Family Activity: The Sudsy Experience

Maintaining proper car care and cleanliness is hard enough when you’re working and out most of the time, but when you’re a parent of young children, it proves to be much more difficult. Before children you only have to worry about your own mess. But with children, it’s their mess and their stuff. 

If they get hungry, you bring or buy snacks and eating in a moving car is hard enough for adults, and of course children lack the same grace. The food gets everywhere: crumbs, melted chocolate, and other remnants... There’s also the fact that they love to bring their toys and books everywhere and it’s so hard to say “no,” “no” leads to tantrums or puppy dog faces, so of course to appease them you say “just one,” then many “just ones” later and you have the equivalent of Target’s entire toy aisle in your car. There’s also dirty foot and handprints rubbing all over the floor mats and seats and possibly random plants and flowers that were picked up along the way. 

Let’s not forget, the trips to the beach, and then bringing the entire beach with you into your car. Is there anything worse than the sand that follows you for days or weeks after a fun day at the beach?

Don’t worry about having a messy car, it’s honestly normal. It’s hard to focus on your children and drive at the same time. The main objective should always be the safety of your children when driving. Leave the mess to us. 

You can attempt to clean the mess every after use, however after a long and fun day with the kids you’ll be too exhausted to do it. Don’t let that derail you from getting your car washed though, because it will eventually build up and unfortunately small children aren’t always the best helpers. Sometimes going to an automatic car wash can feel like a calm rollercoaster or tram having the car moving on its own and seeing all the sudsy colors drip down. A perfect break for yourself or even an activity to do with the family. Just don’t forget to go to a carwash with a vacuum and detailing, to get everything on the inside as well to keep with car maintenance.

The OCW Special and the Interior Detail is perfect for a busy family.

If you want proof of the magic we can do with carseats, sandy messes, and food crumbs your loved ones leave behind, check out our before and afters by clicking the button below.


What is the Complete Detail?